

Tuesday, 6 March 2018

How finding a hobby has benefitted my mental health

Image taken from
I'm writing this after coming back from a two hour hack in the woods on a lovely horse called George (he is a lazy yet determined Irish Cobb with a round middle, whose main passion is eating and who is not my horse but I like to pretend he is). Riding isn't always easy, but it is something I love, and having something I enjoy, I have drive at and pride in has really helped my mental health. Here's why:

1) Something to look forward to

I look forward to my rides every week and this gives me a sense of pace to my weeks and something to be ready for. It is the one thing in my diary that is just for me and one of the things I value most. So if I'm feeling worn out, overwhelmed, down or stressed - riding is what I set my mind on and this really helps me make it through.

2) Practising perseverance and compassion

There are rides where everything flows, my body is relaxed and my head is more spacious and perhaps I work out something I've been trying to master for a while. There are the hacks in the forest where we canter at speed and I love the sense of movement and freedom and also the sense of security in myself, from being able to relax and enjoy it with my horse (and opportunities to feel sure of yourself when you have mental illness are worth their weight in gold). But there are also the lessons in the school where I'm tight, physically and mentally, the weather may be challenging or I'm trying, but struggling, to work on my position and my horse isn't going forward how I would like. But I'm determined to keep riding every week because I know those brilliant moments will happen - if I stay curious and open-minded my horse will make sure of it. And I have to try to be compassionate to myself on the tough lessons and always compassionate to my horse, so he knows I love him and I'm grateful to him for carrying me. 

3) An opportunity to be mindful

I find some activities easier than others to practise mindfulness, but there's something about being outside and with animals that really helps. My horse feeds off my mental state and the tension in my body, so I try to meditate before I ride and do some physical relaxation. As I'm riding I need to try to stay in the present moment, to adjust my body in response to cues from the horse and to set out intentions in a positive and compassionate way. 

4) Allowing myself to be a beginner

When I first got back in the saddle it was like being a complete beginner again as I became re-acquainted with muscles I'd forgotten I had and the challenges and rewards of working with animals. And even as I progress I'm always learning something for the first time and practising putting it all together. Mental-illness can make us our own bullies, constant internal abuse. So to have something you love helps you to fight back that bully, as you know it just gets in the way of the enjoyment. So finding something where you allow yourself to learn and progress with determination and kindness is a real gift. 

5) Exercise

In my opinion, it's the most fun way to exercise and I know movement is good for my brain. And it helps me be motivated to workout during the week too (in moderation - I try to be mindful and aware of slipping into 'body-buff, this has gone too far, fitness mode') so I can develop strength for riding.

6) Just pure enjoyment

It took me years to come back to riding and I had to wait until I was ready. But now I've found I am in a space where I just simply enjoy something. I experience some negatives around it, perhaps wondering if I'm good enough at it or frustrations as I develop my skills. But I've been lucky enough to find something that just really works for me and a place where I feel in touch with who I am and I feel confident and at ease. 

7) Identity

I love riding horses and it is something that expresses my best-self. Enough said. 

So if you do have mental health problems I hope this inspires you to see if you can find a hobby that gives you enjoyment, pride and freedom every single week!

Compassionista xxx

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